Puppet Craft – Pt 1
We’ve gotten started on building out the first puppet for one of the short series we’ve been writing, and have...
New Art For “Gone Girl” Music Video
I’ve got a few more paintings done for the Dioramas for my “Gone Girl” music video. The elements in these...
Unveiling the Vision: First Look at My New Music Video in Production
I’m starting some work on a music video for “Gone Girl” from my Quarantunes album and I want to share...
Content, Content, Content.
One of the challenges with building a site is collecting all of the content – even if you already have...
Fun Times with Cold Fusion
Most people don’t program their websites with Cold Fusion. I’m one of a few who does, and I’ve been doing...
A Whole New Branding Adventure
New Website – New Cards – New Looks I’ve had a website revamp on my to-do list for almost 3...