
      A Whole New Branding Adventure

      New Website – New Cards – New Looks

      New Business Cards

      I’ve had a website revamp on my to-do list for almost 3 years now. It’s always such a daunting task to go through and redesign, redevelop and rebuilt an entire website. Especially when you’re working a full time job and juggling many projects all at the same time. But, since I’ve come across a little time off, I’m working extra hard to go through and get all of this grunt work done.

      My sincere hope is that by going through all of this work now I’ll have the platform in place to start building out new content that is currently piling up in the queue. There are four music videos waiting to be designed and edited, I’m trying to finish up “Ashling” and get started on my next book, tentatively titled “Wish”, I’ve got a stockpile of songs that need to be finished and put out into the world, I’m trying to finish and debug a fancy new note taking tool I’ve been writing, and I’ve got 2 puppet show ideas in the works with my business partner, Laura Barbera, not to mention the 7 show projects we’re working on as well. Apart from being swamped, I need a good place to put all this stuff as it gets done, and thus, here I am rebuilding all of my branding.

      This week, I got the new business cards in, and I love them! As soon as I solidified the design for these new cards, I immediately started working on a matching design for the new site. They’ve worked beautifully with each other, and I’m really excited to start handing them out. They’re mind blowing! I have @mymetalbusinesscards to thank for the really killer branding medium. These cards are second to none; a real red circle in a sea of blue squares.

      I have a little more work to do to wrap the basics of this new web site up, and this blog system is a part of that. I really wish this was a little more flexible to match my main website branding, but at the moment, I’m just happy it’s working and that I can link things back and forth.

      Hi, I’m Adam Benson

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